Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Article Review

Are we supposed to turn in the article along with our review?

How elaborate is this thing supposed to be? Is it like a paper or do we just answer his questions going number by number?

I just wondered what anyone else's impression was of how this is supposed to be.

Why have we never talked about this in class?


Blogger harvestorm said...

I showed Nigem my Article Review on Wednesday and judging by The Little Man's reaction I just told him to keep it!

I did not include the article (since it was like 45 pages long and we had to include the full bibliographical citation anyways) and I wrote it in chunks just going question by question with a subject header for each question/section.

Alicia, do you still have the "Outline for a Review of an Article" handout he gave us way-back-when? If you don't, let me/us know so we can get you the info. so you know exactly what it is that he is looking for.

He read over mine a bit and was all, "Ooooh... yesssss.... ahhhhhh...very nice... 'dis is very good...." so I just figured I might as well turn it in right then since I have so many other things to do this weekend.

BTW, (and this may be because my article was so long to begin with and the fact that it not only covered the study but it also examined the different conclusions that could be drawn using two different research designs, cross-sectional and longitudianal, and so I had to include a lot of "extra" stuff that would not have been in a diffrent kind of article. Plus, my "blocking design" of the review took a bit more space than if it were just written like a paper and I double-spaced it of course) my Article Review turned out to be like 15 pages long.

Chances are, that's not going to be the norm, but I ust thought I'd throw that in there.

6:58 PM  
Blogger harvestorm said...

It took me about 4 hours (maybe 5).

I double spaced mine since he always has us double space the exams. (I figured "when in doubt, consistency is best".)

Yep, I just broke it up by "sections" which were just names for his numbers. I didn't tie them together at all since it was all seperated like that. I used point 17 to tie everything together and sum things up.

8:45 PM  

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