Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Discuss Advantages and Disadvantages of Specific Methods Used in Qualitative Research

Let's see.... there are what 7 methods? I don't even know that for sure! Let's start with what I do know...

Overall Advantages and Disadvantages of Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

1. The chief strength of qualitative field research lies in the depth of understanding it permits.
2. Flexibility is another advantage of field research.
3. Field research is (usually) relatively inexpensive.
4. Field research has greater validity than do survey and experimental measurements.

1. It is not an appropriate means for arriving at statistical descriptions of a large population.
2. Low in reliability.
3. Often very personal

I Think These Are The Methods:
(then again, I could be way off here... I know these are the paradigms, but hell if I know if they're the "methods" or not)
1. Naturalism (Ethnography)
2. Ethnomethodology
3. Grounded Theory
4. Case Studies
5. Extended Case Method
6. Institutional Ethnogrpahy
7. Participatory Action Research

Not Every Girl Can Explain Insane Pain
(hey, gimme a break, it rhymes and "insane" correlates well with "institutional" and you can remember that this tip/trick goes with the qualitative question because it has the word "Explain" in it. (Even though it should be "descriptive" but just remember that the explaining is more related to qualitative that quantitave and you'll be fine.)

Note: At the bottom of page 287 in the Second Edition, our buddie Babbie states, "There aren't any specific methods attached to each of these paradigms..... The important distinctions of this section are epistemological, that is, having to do with what data mean, regardless of how they were collected." WTF?!?!?

1. Naturalism: an approach based on the assumption that social reality is "out there," ready to be observed and reported by the researcher as it "really is." An ethnography is a type of naturalist method.

2. Ethnomethodology: an approach that examines the rules that govern everyday life, often by breaking the rules

3. Grounded Theory: deriving theories from an analysis of the patterns, themes, and common categories discovered in observational data

4. Case Studies: an approach that focuses attention on one or a few instances of some social phenomenon

5. Extended Case Method: the purpose of this approach is to discover flaws in, and to modify existing social theories

6. Institutional Ethnogrpahy: an approach in which members of subordinated groups are asked about "how things work" so that researchers can discover the institutional practices that shape their realities

7. Participatory Action Research: with this paradigm, the researcher's function is to serve as a resource to those being studied, typically disadvantaged groups, as an opportunity for them to act effectively in their own interest

Okay, now that I've done everything BUT answer the question, I'm hoping someone can actually do what I was supposed to do - and that is Discuss Advantages and Disadvantages of Specific Methods Used in Qualitative Research! :-(


Blogger Clstal said...

Sadly, my first college education prepared me for this specific instance of Babbie's wankage.

What he's saying is that you can pick and choose (sort of) -- you can collect your data however the hell you please (which he has some ideas on, but still) then analyze it another way, using one of his paradigms.

So, to make an outrageous example you can go totally 'native' and walk the line of objectivity, convince yourself and everyone else that you're a True Believer (TM) and that you've found the shining path (to mix metaphors). Then you can hole up in your box of an office go all Natural for your actual analysis.

Another disadvantage of field res is in it's lack of external (or internal, damn, now I'm confused) validity. I'm going to go back and look now.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Clstal said...

Field research sucks at INTERNAL validity. It's STELLAR on external validity.

8:32 PM  
Blogger harvestorm said...

But what about the actual question? Are we supposed to list the Advantages and Disadvantages of all 7 (I'm going to test my memory trick now...)
Grounded Theory
Case Study
Extended Case Method
Institutional ethnography
Participatory Action Research (this was the only one i forgot... not too shabby)

So what are we supposed to do about individual advantages and disadvantages?

8:59 PM  
Blogger Clstal said...

Yep, those are the methods (the bab's paradigms)

9:36 PM  
Blogger harvestorm said...

Lemetria is going to see if she can come up with an actual answer to the question about the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

9:50 PM  

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