Sunday, February 06, 2005

5 Essay Qs

Discuss assumptions of science and principals of scientific community and factors affecting objectivity.

Assumptions of science:
1. Nature is orderly
2. Natural laws are discoverable
3. Events have natural causes
4. Nothing is self-evident 5. Knowledge is derived from experience 6. Knowledge is superior to ignorance

Principals of Sci Comm:
1. Humility
2. Parsimony
3. Objectivity (intersubjectivity)
5. Skepticism (for the sake of duplication of results)
6. Ethical Neutrality

Factors affecting Objectivity:
1. Tribe (species or cultural-specificity like desire to be happy)
2. Cave (social constructions like family)

3. Theatre (factors based on received opinion like sources of authority)
4. Marketplace (use of terminology like woman)

Discuss meaning of relationships

1. Recripricol. (Investments and profits, difficult to establish direction of causation)
2. Symmetrical. (No influence between variables, ice cream and rape)
Includes 5 Types:
1. Alternative indicator of same concept
2. Common Cause
3. Functional interdependence (part of same system, heart and lung)
4. Common Complex (2 parts of same phenomenon, opera and Audi)
5. Accidental
3. Asymmetrical (direction of causality can be established)
Includes 6 types:
1. Stimulus Response (experiment)
2. Disposition Response (influence)
3. Property Disposition (age affect conservatism)
4. Necessary Precondition (atomic bomb and tech)
5. Eminent Relationship (effect is intrinsic to def of concept; red tape and bureaucracy)
6. Ends and Means (answer is in mind of subject; sex and STDs, which came first depends on goal of subject).

Discuss level of theorizing. (Type, fx, level of propositions)

1. Scope. Macro or micro.
2. Function. Structure, Process, or dynamics (Is this a theory that describes the process by something occurs or that describes the structure of something or does it describe how something happened?)
3. Structure. Logical (A because B, therefore C, constructed deductively) or
Loose (set of probabilities, constructed inductively)
4. Level (of analysis). Individual, group, large group, institution.

What is the word, something besides Loose? What do you have for #2 in your notes, I can't seem to nail down what the hell function is?!!

Explanatory Types
1. Ad-hoc. Simple, limited.
2. Taxonomies. Typologies, exhaustive categorizing.
3. Conceptual Framework. Additionally, linkage between categories. Able to form propositions from em.
4. Theory. Logical system of Propositions from 2 and 3. All concepts and relationships are defined.

Levels of Propositions:
1. Existence statements (conditions under which event will occur)
2. Relational statements (Associational (A related to B) and determinable(A cause B))

Discuss methods of settling doubt.

1. Tenacity. Believe it cause you always believed it, and because changing that belief would make you unhappy.

2. Intuition. 'Everybody says' and 'it makes sense'. The earth is flat. Subject to early learning and fashionable ideas. Fallible.

3. Authority. 2 Types: Reasonable (gonna believe someone else because I don't have the time to do my own research, but if I ever do, then going to change mind). Irrefutable (church, societal norms, what to wear to a funeral. Can't argue with this source of authority). No argument settled by authority will ever be unquestioned as there are too many sources of authority.

4. Scientific Method. Self-critical, admits that it can lead you into doubt, and provides error-correcting. Open, mutable framework for discovery.


Blogger harvestorm said...

Q: What is the word, something besides Loose?

A: Sorry, no help here. I have loose too. In regards to structure or how the theory was constructed I have 1) Logically Structured (axiomatic theory) using Deduction and 2)Loosely structured (set probabilities) using Induction.

Q: What do you have for #2 in your notes, I can't seem to nail down what the hell function is?!!

A: I have the same thing you posted with a little different twist. It looks to be like the function can be to identify either a structure or a process (process is along the same lines as dynamics).

An example of the function being descriptive of a structure is like the description of society as an ecosystem. Nigem drew the box on the board with the word POET inside to show how the structure of society is formed as a box with Population, Organization, Environment, and Technology at each corner.

On the other hand, if the function is meant to describe a process then it would be more like the Evolutionary Theory and the process of change.

9:13 PM  

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