Sunday, February 06, 2005

List of questions so far (Edits in red)

What is empiricism?

What is grounded theory? (Just a theory developed from observations and research or does it have addl meaning?) Theory backed by empirical observations.

Professor Pellson, As students in front row. "Students who sit in front row are good students" Example of inductive or deductive reasoning? (Q5 from ch2 review) Since it's from observation to theory, I'm gonna say it's Induction. Correct?

What the hell does this mean? (From Assumptions of Science handout)
"Finally, methodology requires intersubjectivity, meaning that knowledge in general and the scientific methodology in particular have to be transmissible." ???
I've got the intersubjectivity but what's transmissible?

What do we need to know about Basic and Applied research? (The handout comparing them...?) Basic research is research for research's sake (and dosn't get funded very often!). Applied research has a goal, either as fodder for promotion of a product by a manufacturer or social change.

How about that diagram that Nigem likes to draw so much? Do we need to be able to reproduce it? (It seems like a good idea but I suck at memorizing diagrams). Understand it and be able to reproduce it -- it's Wallace.

How about social theory and ideology? I don't remember anything about that on the test... does anytone else? I also don't have any notes about that it woudl be an essay q...? I have ideology = church on the next page of my notes.

Under the 4 parts of theories notes:
What are function and structure? Help! Still stuck on this one.

I'd just like to swear a lot on the topic of memorizing that stupid list of paradigms.

Anything you think we need to know in particular from that handout on the list of differences among the 3 approaches to research. I'm fuzzy on the middle one but the other 2 are pretty solid.

Bloody relationships:
What the hell is the Asymetrical Ends and Means, and what is the Property Dispositoin, and what is Emenint Relationship (how are those different from others that were listed). I'm gonna make this a seperate post because I think I need to go through and contrast them.

That's so far.... :-(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tHIS IS A COMMENT, GOING TO FIND OUT HOW to quote replies now. --C

4:32 PM  
Blogger harvestorm said...

Q: How about that diagram that Nigem likes to draw so much? Do we need to be able to reproduce it? (It seems like a good idea but I suck at memorizing diagrams).

A: You remember that guy Wallace that was on the multiple choice and nobody knew who he was? Turns out it's his diagram! Yeah, the guy gets one whole sentence on page 42 of the Second Edition with a diagram of the Nigem fav. on the next page.

Q: Other than the fact that the Wallace Theory was mentioned, do you remember anything about that question?

7:47 PM  
Blogger Clstal said...

Not a clue. I remember that I asked Nigem about that question but he didn't have anything to say about it. It seemed like the whole point of the Q was wallace, if you knew what he said, then the Q would be easy.

8:12 PM  
Blogger harvestorm said...

Q: Professor Pellson, As students in front row. "Students who sit in front row are good students" Example of inductive or deductive reasoning? (Q5 from ch2 review)

A: Inductive Reasoning

Hint: Do you remember anything about Sherlock Holmes? Anyways, he always used deduction (easy to remember which because deduction and detective both start with "d". It was his job to find the one person who had committed the crime. He worked his way down to that SPECIFIC person. So, deduction goes from general (eveyone is a suspect)to specific (you have the right to remain silent).

In the case of this question, the Professor "observed a pattern" in the front row students in her class (seems relatively specific) and made a decision that students (not just hers, but students in GENERAL) in the front row are good. She went from specific to general - that's not how Mr. Holmes does it, therefore it must be inductive reasoning.

8:29 PM  
Blogger harvestorm said...

Q: Under the 4 parts of theories notes:
What are function and structure? Help! Still stuck on this one.

A: See my response in your 5 Essay Questions post.

9:30 PM  
Blogger harvestorm said...

Crystal wrote:
What is grounded theory? (Just a theory developed from observations and research or does it have addl meaning?) Theory backed by empirical observations.

Also note that grounded theory is INDUCTIVE. There is a Multiple Guess question about that.

9:40 PM  

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